Monday, March 12, 2012

My Weekend, by Ray

Hello folks, Ray here.  Mommy said I could write a blog post because I'm getting so big and I'm doing so well in school (well, maybe not in school, but I'm getting my lessons learned really well at home.)
We were really busy all weekend, and I liked that because Mommy was tired too and we got to take a nap together on the family room floor.  Usually I nap alone in my crate which is ok, but snuggling with Mommy was great.

On Sunday we did what Mom called "yard work" in the morning.  I see now why humans spend so much time "at work" because it is so much fun!  First we cleaned out the shed and I got to sniff every single thing that was in there.  Then Mommy got out the broom which made me really excited.  The broom tried to push all of the fun dirt clods and dried leaves out of the shed but I did my best to stop that from happening.   I bit that nasty broom and then ran off with a big, clump of dried grass so I could save it from the broom.  Then we put everything back in the shed and Mommy said I was really brave when I saw the bicycle go in.  It was  pretty big and I wasn't sure about it, so Mommy let me sniff it and I decided it was ok.

Then we worked in the garden a little bit.  I love garden work.  Mommy was digging holes with the shovel and chopping up weeds and I was a super big help.  I think I can dig holes better than anyone and it has to be true because Mommy said, "that's enough you a dirty little mudbug" and put me out of the garden.  I did such a great job!  What would Mommy  have done without my expert digging skills?

After that, Mommy said it was too beautiful outside to be in the house so we "just chilled" on the patio facing the sun.  Mommy got some pretty tasty stuff called sunscreen to put all over my ears, head and nose and then rubbed some on my back.  Mom says I'm a little pink piggy and I might get sunburned.  Daddy said I smelled like a beach bunny.  Then we just sat on the loveseat enjoying the day.  I had my bully stick and I wanted to sit on Mom's lap to chew it.  She said I'm getting pretty big to do that but she sat sideways so I'd fit without falling off.  She kept telling me I looked "ridiculous," which must be another way of saying incredibly cute and very handsome.

Mom said I'm going to be a tired puppy today and she is right, I really wanted to sleep in today and was happy to go back to my crate this morning after breakfast.  I hope everyone else had a good weekend too.

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