Monday, October 8, 2012

October is ____ Month

I'm amazed at how many awareness type campaigns are going on this month.  I wonder what makes October so ideal for so many groups to raise awareness. September, in my mind, is the three day weekend month and if you're from the same home town as I am, then it is Blueberry Festival time.  It is also the month we have Talk Like a Pirate day.  That's pretty much the extent of my "awareness" in September. 

So, I'm sure you know that October 27  is Pit Bull Awareness Day and it is very important to us here, but we really feel that every day is Pit Bull Awareness Day.  In light of that, we will be focusing more on Adopt a Shelter Dog Month.  "Shelter" can encompass a lot and usually carries with it a negative connotation when you work with or volunteer with a Rescue.  My intention is to keep this positive and only relate my own experiences and observations while always inviting others to share their thoughts and feelings.

I've been volunteering for a few weeks now at our local SPCA office, mainly during the week.  I've found that in the midst of a bad day or in celebration of a very good day, it is therapeutic to be in the company of animals.  I've found that no matter how bad the day seems, when you walk into the kitty room and are greeted with furry faces eager to inspect the depths of your handbag or the comfort of your lap, all troubles melt away.

When I walk into the dog area, for a moment a hush falls over the room.  Though it is by no means silent, there is a noticeable hush.  A lull.  All eyes are on you as you walk past the kennels like girls lined up along the wall to dance with Fonzie.  Who will be selected?  Who gets to go outside and play or for a walk.  I stop at a door and reach for the leash that is in the basket.  All heck breaks loose! Everyone knows what this means and the lucky "winner" is excited while the unselected jump and bark at me, "No! Not him!   I want to go!  Pick me! Pick me!"

Maggie-adoptable through Smiling K9s*
There's a system in place and we volunteers know who has been walked so far and who hasn't so I always try to pick up where someone else has left off in the rotation.  Sometimes I walk a favorite just because I need to enjoy his company and once, I skipped over a young jumper as I wasn't feeling up to the task.  My biggest revelation and most profound feeling of happiness has come while doing nothing.  Walks are great and I know the dogs enjoy it but when we go out to the yard, a few will chase some balls for a bit but every last one has sat on or near my lap for some snuggle time. These pups love themselves some human companionship and every last one will stop what their doing for a snuggle which I am happy to provide. 

The thought crosses my mind quite a lot...if I could bring Ray to work or if I worked from home would my volunteer time increase or decrease?  I could make a case for both.  I doubt if I will ever have that kind of job so it is a pipe dream and until that day comes, I'll keep doing what I'm doing. 

*Had to post a pic from SK9's even though I wrote about ACSPCA today.

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