Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Wordless Wednesday

Nope.  No one in this house is spoiled.


  1. Ooo...Tess & Ed are jealous of Ray!

    Ar you pleased with the quality from Best Bully Sticks? They pooches love them and they are great for keeping the busy, but they are so expensive they are kept as a special treat.

    1. I do like everything we've gotten from Best Bully sticks. A 12" Red Barn bully stick is between $6.99 and $8.00 around here and would be comparable in thickness to the "standard" (which are $2.99 each) or sometimes the "thick." I usually order for Ray the 12" jumbo (very thick) which is $4.10 so at that price, I stock up and usually throw in a grab bag for the shelter dogs. You can get the 1 or 2 pound grab bags which have a variety of products and sizes. Last time I received a lot of smaller pieces which was good for the chihuahuas and this time the grab bags look to be all larger items.
      Like I mentioned before, if you sign up as an affiliate, you can even get a rebate on your own orders.

  2. Looks all in order to me (although you should have a big bag of Wagg next to it BOL)

  3. Hope you got some great stuff!

  4. HAHA! While I can't imagine having one pup it must be fun to spoil the hell out of him.
    On a side note I'm considering cancelling my PawBox. I look forward to getting it so much and you really just don't get much in there.



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