Saturday, September 15, 2012

We Interrupt your Dog Blog

I thought it was an Urban Legend, a myth, a unicorn.  I'd heard about it, I'd read about it and even looked for it on occasion but until today, I never quite believed I'd score one myself.  I'm talking about those people you read about who find a treasure at the Salvation  Army Store, Goodwill or a garage sale. 

I think I sold one once.  My neighbor added a great set of silverware to our garage sale which went for not nearly enough, in my opinion.  Today, as I was headed to the grocery store, I saw a sign at the neighboring Salvation Army store:  Big Sale.  I felt kind of Pinterest-y and wondered if I could find some piece of junk that I could turn into a treasure.  I did not.

But as I turned to go, I saw along the wall a familiar black and brown leather which I was once obsessed with owning, (though I never did).  Hardly daring to breathe, I searched for the fob that I knew would be dangling on the handle.  Now just to read it.  Would it be real?

It was.  A Brahmin bag. 
It is in "well loved" condition, but I can clean it up some and love it some more.  And the best part?  It was marked $1.25 and I got it for half off!  I just bought  a Brahmin bag for sixty-six cents!

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